People of many tongues and generations may worship together and help each other grow in the Lord
through their individual gifts.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)
I moved to Toyama in the spring of 2016 to attend university, and naturally, my freedom in life increased. Living alone allowed me to do everything I wanted to do. Now freedom in itself wasn’t a bad thing, but in order to be able to truly enjoy it, I first had to learn how to discipline myself.
A lot of temptations exist for a college student living away from their parents, and to be honest, I was never able to discipline myself at all. I sinned a lot, trying not to think about the Bible, the church I attended, or the worship songs I sang. I kept making excuses for myself, thinking that God would forgive me as long as I prayed for forgiveness—that it was human nature to sin, so there was nothing I could do about it. I kept living in sin and praying this way, while not truly repenting. I hated myself when I was worshipping at church, because no matter how much I’d sing about loving God at that moment, I knew I would just sin again. This thought grieved me, and I hated myself for it. Most of my prayers during my college life were confessions of sin, which I was riddled with. But there was someone who helped me change.
She was a non-Christian, so our values were understandably different. Still, I thought that if she’d become interested in the Bible and one day become a Christian through me, we could get married. And when I told her that I wanted to marry a Christian, she began to sincerely take on the Bible, which she had been previously resistant to. And yet, I betrayed her in the worst way possible, as if I had ripped her heart out of her body. I can't even put it in words.
She’d said to me, “How can a person like you be a Christian, a person who can trample on someone’s heart like this? You should stop saying you’re a Christian, because that just tarnishes the image of God. It even makes me feel like you are Satan.”
She is a caring and kind person, but what I did was horrible enough to bring her to say these words. And these words were very painful—before hearing them, I had never been so aware of the fact that maybe I wasn’t a Christian after all. When she left me, I kept thinking about what she had said to me, and became more and more depressed.
She had finally become interested in the Bible and was beginning to read it with an open heart, and yet I betrayed her, giving her instead a dislike for Christians. And I hated myself ever since it occurred to me that she might never become a Christian because of me, and then she would go to hell.
In that moment, I thought that I wasn’t a Christian, and had no right to be a Christian, because of what I had done to her. I had brought her to say those things, with those emotions and expression, and I was torn to shreds. It wouldn’t stop reverberating in my head: I wasn't a Christian and I didn't deserve to live as one.
I knew it must have been many times harder for her to try and meet me halfway, just to have her heart trampled on and betrayed in the end by me—but this was a really hard season for me, too. I had felt like being a Christian was my reason for being, so suddenly the meaning of my existence was lost to me.
I wanted to pray to God, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t because I was disgusted with myself for asking for forgiveness of my sins in this self-centered way. And it was hard to tell people too. From then on, whenever I came into contact with Christians, I felt so miserable about myself that I didn't want to see them or go to church.
I’d wanted to confess all my sins to someone and have them pray for me, but I couldn’t do it because I was worried of what they would think if I told them about what had happened. I loved the church and everyone at the church, so I was scared that my relationships with people would fall apart. A little while later, I visited my hometown and took a week off from my church in Toyama, and in addition to that, the church had just taken a break for a while, which was also good for me at the time, I suppose.
I had needed time to reconsider my relationship with God. I wanted to pray, confess all my sins and repent, but I couldn’t believe that my sins would be forgiven, even though in the past I had always smiled and said to people, “Whatever your sins are, they will be forgiven if you confess them and repent, so you don’t have to worry.” Still, I kept reading the Bible and one day found a passage that I couldn’t stop thinking about.
It's the part where the sinful woman, who was looked down upon by everyone, meets Jesus. She wet his feet with tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed his feet and anointed them with oil. The people were interested in how Jesus responded to this sinful woman. Jesus began to tell his disciple Peter, “A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” Simon answered, "The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.” And he said to him, “You have judged rightly.”
Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon: "Did you see her? When I entered the house, you did not give me water to wash my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not kiss me, but from the time I entered, she has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not anoint me with oil, but she anointed my feet with oil. So I say that her many sins are forgiven, as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” And he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” (Luke 7:36-50)
I've committed many sins, hurt many people, and pretended to repent many times. These sins I’ve committed were curses that lowered my value. But I felt as if God was telling me, “You will be able to love me more because you have been forgiven more sins than others.” Many times God has forgiven me for sins that I could never tell anyone about, and He’s even used those sins, which were only darkness to me, to help me love Him more. I can’t tell you enough how much these words saved me.
As I read the Bible, I realized that God had and always would love me even though I couldn’t love myself, and soon I was able to pray again. Gradually I started to confess my sins. I confessed all my sins, all my feelings and thoughts in the midst of my sins, to God.
“I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.” (Isaiah 44:22)
I read the Bible and prayed every day. Never in my life had I so seriously reviewed my relationship with God so much. In the midst of it all, I re-read a testimony I once wrote for everyone to hear in church. It was my second year of college when I wrote it. I was confidently acting like a Christian, saying that I believed that Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day, so I had nothing to worry about.
But then, why had it been so difficult and painful to live as a Christian even after writing that testimony? Why was it that the more I had tried to live like a Christian, the more conflicted I had become? There were many possible reasons for this; such as the fear that my friends would think it was a loss to be a Christian, that I would be resisted because I was a Christian, or that I would be judged for not being Christian enough… but the main reason was that I hadn’t wanted to live within the values of Christ. I’d thought that because I was a Christian, I had to live within those values—as if they were shackles, as if they were obligations that I had to fulfill.
I had felt very constrained by the values of Christ in my life as a college student. As I mentioned earlier, I had spent a lot of time misbehaving. Surely if I repented again, I could pray and be forgiven. With these thoughts, I had always disobeyed the teachings of the Bible, pretending to repent and pretending to pray.
“I will do it again tomorrow anyway, but for now, I'll repent. Besides, it is human nature to be born with a nature to sin”—that’s how I’d felt. Why had I thought that way? The reason was because I had only been objectifying what Jesus did for me, what He did to save me. I was just taking it as knowledge, not realizing it for myself at all.
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)
My unwillingness to adhere to the teachings of Jesus meant that I wasn’t even trying to love him. I thought about it again.
“Jesus die on the cross to save us. He died on the cross to save you, and only you.” I was reminded of this message I that heard once upon a time—that even if you had been the only one in the world, Jesus would still die on the cross to save you, singularly. His cross was not for everyone, but only for you.
To save me from eternal judgment for the sins I had selfishly committed, Jesus took on the form of an imperfect, miserable human being, even though He was innocent, even though He was God, and struggled and died a substitutionary death on the cross. If you believe in that, you wouldn't be able to repeat your sins so easily.
It's easier to understand if you think of it this way. If you had asked one of your friends to help you move apartments, and on the day he was helping you, a different friend invited you out for lunch, would you go? Of course you wouldn't. You would turn that person down and later eat with the friend who’d helped you move, thanking him for his help. It's natural for us to be able to keep a favor to a friend like this. In the same way, we can consider the love we’ve received from Jesus.
People were originally destined to go to hell and suffer eternal death as judgment for their sins. But through His death, Jesus has made it possible for anyone to go to heaven if they love Him. It's not a matter of repaying a favor—we cannot pay back that tremendous love that has been given to us. But that’s exactly why I want to love God through and through. He has forgiven me for my sins more times than I can count, and He loved me enough to lay down His life for me.
僕は変わりたかった。生きたクリスチャンになりたい。そう思ってさらに聖書を読んで祈る日々の中、富山でお世話になっている牧師に勧められて、ジョン・パイパー牧師の「Don’t waste your life」という動画を観た。(興味のある方はYoutubeで観て欲しい。)彼は同じ題で、本も出版しており、その本も読ませてもらった。ここまでクリスチャンとしての生き方を厳しく問われたのは初めてだった。彼はこう語る。
“So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” (James 2:17)
I had been saying to my friends that I was a Christian, but actually I was just sinning with them. That action made them think that Christians were no different from unbelievers in the end, and this image of Christians was completely different from what it should have been.
“They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works.” (Titus 1:16)
I wanted to change, and I wanted to come alive as a Christian. During my days of reading the Bible and praying with this intention, my pastor in Toyama recommended me to watch a video called “Don't Waste Your Life” by John Piper. (If you're interested, you can watch it on Youtube.) He’s also published a book on the same subject and I have read it as well. Encountering this content, it was the first time as a Christian that my lifestyle had been called into question so severely.
This is what John Piper says: “A lot of people live to make themselves happy. They live with the goal of getting a good car, a good house, a good job, a good family, retiring early from work and dying peacefully. And when you die and leave this world and stand before God, you realize that the kind of American dream you were chasing is completely empty before Him, that you have wasted the one life you had.”
I was taken aback. What he described as empty, was exactly what I had been striving for. I realized that I had loved the world, not Jesus.
“As he came from his mother’s womb he shall go again, naked as he came, and shall take nothing for his toil that he may carry away in his hand.” (Ecclesiastes 5:15)
Even if we grab hold of the world’s greatest American dream, it’s meaningless the moment we die. Just as we are born with having nothing, we will die having nothing. So then what does the Bible say about things that aren’t meaningless?
“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
The only thing that is not meaningless before God is the fear of God and keeping His commands.
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)
“Whoever loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. He who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:37)
A life worth living before God, that is a life that is walked with God. And if you don’t love God more than your family, more than your spouse, more than anyone else in the world, you’re not able to live that life. I was so focused on the voice of my own heart that I couldn’t love Jesus. In my eagerness to make myself happy, I was missing out on the greatest human happiness that a Christian could have.
Living a life where God is loved above all else, is always thinking about God and how your actions will appear in His eyes, not in the eyes of others. In such a life, the values of Christ, which are different from the values of this world, can be seen.
Let me write this down so as not to forget something I recently learned that is important for a happy marriage.
Many single Christians feel lonely and look for a partner, thinking that if they get married, this loneliness will go away. But that is a big mistake. Marriage is about helping each other have your needs met in God, not about being dependent on one another. In order to have a happy marriage, it is essential that each of us has established a right relationship with God even without a spouse, and that we are independent of each other. When two people who are filled with God's love share their lives together, the grace they receive from God will overflow and enrich the other so that their faith is further developed.
In my mind, the primary purpose of marriage had been to make me happy. That included filling the loneliness of being alone and satisfying my sexual needs. But that was completely wrong. First of all, a right relationship with God needs to be created. If a couple marries each other to satisfy their desires, hungry for love and dependent on each other, then their lives would be dark and empty. I've learned that this order is important. First and foremost, the relationship between each of us and God has to be right. So in the future, when I start dating for marriage, I want to tell my partner that I want to love God more than anyone else, and would also want her to do the same. What a blessing it would be if two people are able to walk in the same direction, God, instead of looking at each other. I learned that the purpose of marriage is to get a life partner to continue to represent God's glory to the world through life.
After hurting other people’s hearts and my own heart so much, I finally realized that the best way to live is to put God first. It wasn't because I tried so hard to read the Bible, or because I prayed so many times a day, or because I humbly and honestly confessed my sins and repented, but because God—who knows everything about my past, who knows everything about my sins, even the sins I’m not aware of—has loved me before I was even born and will love me now and forever no matter what happens.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
God loved me to death and had mercy on me who could only sin. I had no deeds to worth for it; in fact, I rejected that love for a long time.
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you.” (John 15:16)
I didn't choose to believe in God, but God chose me. Why had I been chosen? Salvation is all by the grace of God and I am saved. All I have to do is to be thankful and love God.
I also wanted to stop making myself the hero of my own life. I realized that if you make yourself the protagonist, you will turn the life you've been given into emptiness. God helped me learn that through my past.
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your Body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Jesus bought me with his own death on the cross. Therefore, our bodies are no longer our own, but are part of God's body to reveal His glory. I think that revealing God's glory is to let people around us feel the love God has given us, through us. Because God loved me with His life before I even loved Him, I’m able to love others unconditionally the more I experience Christ’s love for me. I believe that when people see the difference in our lives, it gives God glory, and from the deepest part of my heart, I want to live like that.
I was created by God to reveal His glory. I want to live in a way that I will not regret when I die and leave this world to stand before God.
Saying it is one thing; actually doing it is another. But I really want to show, through my behavior and my actions, what God has done in my life. I have had an especially terrible past, so I want people to know how my heart has changed—and through my life, I want people to know how much God has loved me while I was yet a sinner. Even though I am aware that I have received so much grace and love, my faith is still remains to be weak, so I endeavor to pray every day. I know all this is impossible without Him.
I cannot bear to face the person I’ve hurt for what I did. But what I am certain of is that God can heal even the hearts that I have torn apart and trampled on. I can do nothing but prayer—a prayer that is maybe as much for myself as it is for her, but let me pray it all the same.
I don't think she can ever forgive me. It’s useless to apologize at this point, but I was out of my mind and selfish, and for that I’m truly sorry. I pray that the heart that was torn by me will be healed as soon as possible; that the faith that was broken by me will be rebuilt again; that she will be able to read the Bible every day; that she will be able to pray; that she will be able to believe in Jesus; that her days will be filled with blessing. I will continue to pray for her to realize as soon as she can, that God loves her more than He loves anyone else.
Even though I’ve written this testimony, I am still a sinner, just as I have always been. The sins I have committed in the past are still the same. But there is a God who loves me to death. What a great hope and joy it is for me. God even allowed Himself to be hung on the cross to rescue me from judgment for my sins. I’d never hated myself so much before, however, in that moment I had felt the enormity of God's love for me. I am thankful that I have been given the faith to believe in this. I want to be someone who loves God first in foremost in his life, someone who can boast only of the cross.
Now the question is, to become this person, how should I live my life in the future as a doctor? And what can I do for God through this vocation? I’m currently in my fifth year at medical school and will be a doctor soon if all goes well. It’s a profession known to come with a relatively high income and social status, which makes it easy to be prideful. It makes people feel like they can live by their own power. With more money and a certain amount of social prestige, the temptation to sin may be stronger. It's a dangerous occupation for me in particular, being susceptible to the temptation of sin.
The first time I thought of becoming a doctor was when I was in eighth grade. I wanted to have a job where I could be motivated by the smiles and gratitude of people who were happy as a result of what I did. When pondering about what people must be most grateful for, I thought that it must be when their lives or the lives of their loved ones are saved. There are many life-saving jobs out there, but the first thing I thought of was being a doctor. There might have been some financial motivation, and I was interested in the structure and function of the human body as well, but but helping others was my main reason for becoming a doctor. But now I wonder how I live to glorify God as a doctor. In a hospital, I’d have to deal with patients, and may not be able to talk about the Bible in a busy examination room.
I found this statement by Pastor John.
“If we work with the awesome confidence that God will meet all our needs, that Christ died to purchase all the blessings we don't deserve, then our labor will be an act of love and we will boast in the cross alone.
“We should work while dreaming of how the surplus will be used to make people rejoice in God. Of course, we should use all of our income to help people please God, in the sense that our whole life is for this goal. If we aim to meet the needs of others in Jesus' name by using our non-essential income, then the work of the world can be a great blessing to the world to glorify God!”
I found his thoughts helpful. It is certainly true. I think there are opportunities to live out my Christian life and values in the way I spend the money received from working as a doctor: Donating for Bible camps like MBC, youth ministries, church planting, Médecins Sans Frontières, and many other ways that can please God.
In addition, if I live a life that puts God first while people at work know I'm a Christian, I think God’s glory will be revealed. The Bible not only tells us the gospel, but it also encourages us to adorn ourselves with the gospel.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
I want to be able to show my faith with my actions, adorn myself with God’s love, and attract people by letting them experience the difference from this world. As a doctor, just as I have during my time as a student, I want to continue boldly telling people around me that I am a Christian. And if I am able to put God first in my life, people may will be interested and ask questions about the way I live. I thought that if that happened, those conversations could become an opportunity for me to share the Gospel with those around me.
God is the one who uses each of us as a separate organ in a single body. I don’t know how He will use me, but I am certain that God will make great use of what is unique to me. I had been thinking about what I should do for the Lord through my life, but I’ve been taught that it's equally important to think about what I can do for God today, and I pray that I will be able to use my life for God day by day. In addition, I realized that working as a doctor in itself can be considered an important ministry. Helping those who are sick is something not everyone can do, but Jesus healed the poor and sick as well.
“We are made to love the same things that the world loves, so that when we are in tune with the world, we can feel safe. We call the earth our home, we call luxuries a necessity, and we spend money in the same way as the world. Missionary work and the unreached land have slipped from our minds. We are so steeped in worldly thinking that we look first at what we can do, not at what God can do, but at what human beings can do.”
I feel this is exactly what I am. I live with a heart that wants to love the world while struggling to put God first, with faith that is faint. If I'm not careful, I can as easily give into the temptation of sin. If we are not careful, we can fall into this trap of sin and go down the path of destruction. And that's why we need to pray every day and walk upheld by God.
Ⅱコリント 12:9―10
“Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, readily for every good work. So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” (II Timothy 2:20-22)
In order to be a vessel for honorable use, I want to seriously deal with every lust I feel in life. As I try to do this and stay away from the risk of feeling lustful, I am strangely full of happiness every day. Every time I struggle or feel temptation, I remember my weaknesses, pray, and rely on God. When I do this, I feel strangely courageous. I can say no to the more subtle lusts. And maybe it's only natural, but as I read the Bible and pray, avoiding lust and avoiding petty sins, I feel as if I am closer day by day to becoming a vessel for honorable use. Now my days are very fulfilling. Sometimes I still hate myself for committing the same sins again, but I am able to get up and start again. I have grasped that this love is more beautiful and precious than any other jewel—the love of God, who has kept me and blessed me throughout my life.
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
(II Corinthians 12:9-10)